Friday, September 23, 2011

My Top Picks for the 2011/12 Holiday Season

Each year around this time, I put a list together with some of my top picks for the coming Holiday Season. Of course, there are a great many other products in the Outset Media catalogue that should be considered and I would be happy to recommend them. However, my recommendations may vary considerably based on the type of store that you have, your geographic location, the demographic profile of your customers, and so on. If you are considering products in addition to the ones I have listed below, please make notes in your Outset Media catalogue (big green binder) and I would be happy to review them with you. By the way, if I think that any of the products in my list are not appropriate for your particular store, I will say so. The real point behind this list is to make sure that you don’t miss out on any products that I think have great overall sales potential this season, on a national scale. It does not necessarily mean that they are the right choice(s) for your store. Selections have been made based on sales history, sales trends, advance orders from retailers on new products, product quality and, being a consumer myself, what I believe to be good overall value. So, in no particular order, here are my Top Picks below:

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