Friday, March 18, 2011

New Products and Programs for the Spring/Summer Season and Beyond

With the Spring 2011 shows now behind us, it’s time to talk about some of the products and programs that Outset Media has for its retailers for the Spring/Summer season. Over the next few weeks there will be a lot of additions to this blog in order to get this information out. We have a lot of new products coming out this year, including over 70 new titles in the Cobble Hill Puzzles line. While new products are all well and good, it also means that we have to make space in the distribution centre. If you are looking for bargains of 20% to 60% off, call or email me for current listings as the inventory is changing hourly. See? This Blog has saved you money already!

Beginning on March 22nd, every few days a new product will be listed. (Yes, there is a lot this year.) Obviously, I’m not going to email you every time there is an update. Both you and Google would throw me in the spam folder pretty fast. Instead, you will only be emailed major updates. I would suggest visiting the blog every couple of days or at least one each week so that you can see what’s new and also take advantage of any special offers. Another way to stay up to date is to go to the Subscribe to my Blog section on the first page and click on Posts. I recommend selecting Google or Yahoo. As always, I’m here to answer your questions. Have a great weekend!

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